Saturday, February 15, 2014

20140215 - Cardinal Pair in Ink

Yesterday, a friend (Sandra) posted a photo of a cardinal pair. My wife also loves cardinals. So, I decided this would be a perfect Valentine's Day present for her (in addition to what I had already gotten for her).

As you can see, it's a perfect subject (the pair of cardinals). In addition it has an interesting perspective that I enjoy painting. Plus the cardinals both have "personality".

So, I decided this would be a good pen and ink subject. For the ink work, I used Noodler's 54th Massachusetts (a blue black ink) for the railing and the snow. And of course, I used Noodler's Black ink for the birds and shadows.

A trick of color to keep in mind is that we naturally think that white is even whiter if it is tinged blue. Remember women with their slightly blue tinged hair? So, why do we associate a brighter, cleaner white if it is tinged blue? Perhaps it's because when we see ice and snow it seems to be tinged blue.

Today I will work on the coloring of this painting. I may add a bit more shading to the railing. But it's just about read to add the watercolor paint. I will probably change the background to an evergreen color to increase the contrast and interest in the cardinals.

Hope you enjoy!

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